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Leg Exercises

No other training will burn fat faster than lower body training. Since the legs are the largest muscles in the body, they’ll use up a high amount of energy each and every time they contract, giving you a metabolic boost as well.

When doing your lower body training, make sure that you are always watching your knee alignment. Make sure the knees follow the toes to prevent the build up of excessive tension and strain on the knee joint.

Remember to always stretch out the legs after each workout you do to avoid muscle soreness from setting in.

#1 Squats

#2 Lunge

#3 Leg Extension

#4 Leg Curl (One Leg)

#5 Leg Curl (Two Legs)

#6 One Leg Resisted High Kick

#7 Resisted Walk

#8 Water Ski Squat

#9 Leg Abductor (Standing)

#10 Leg Abductor (Seated)

#11 Leg Adductor (Standing)

#12 Calf Raise (Standing)

#13 Hip Flexor (One Leg)

#14 Hip Flexor (Seated)

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